
Student Demand for Sustainability CViE-UB

Student Demand for Sustainability CViE-UB

María Àngels Alegre Sánchez, Carina Hopper, Jordi Méndez Ulrich, Isaac Calduch Pérez



Diagnose the living and study conditions of students to allow for decisions to be made to improve them and for policies to be designed to meet their academic and personal needs.

The objective of the Upcoming CViE-UB Report on Student Demand for Sustainability, provide data on the characteristics behind student demand for greater integration of sustainability in higher education degree programs.


Aquesta base de dades està en fase de proves.

Desenvolupada per estudiants UB a través de la oficina del Gapei. Si teniu qualsevol dubte tècnic, suggeriment o proposta, escriviu-nos al correu .